Wed. Dec. 16, 2020 – Happy 250th Birthday Ludwig van Beethoven – A Special Birthday Tribute on His Life, Music and Legacy

On Wednesday we handed our Groove over to our friend Frank Breuer who prepared an amazingly detailed, vibrant talk about Ludwig van Beethoven, his music, his life, and his death. This was going to be a year of concerts and festivals celebrating Beethoven in honor of his 250th but these were all canceled because of COVID. So this seemed fitting, that we honor him in our own small way. It was a fun ride. At first we wrestled a bit with “share screen” to pull up a few videos of “Fur Elise” (which title was really supposed to be For Therese, a girl to whom he gifted the composition in order to impress her). We heard about his failed loves, his rock stardom like fame, his fortune, his weird affection for his nephew, and his death, arguably from lead poisoning from the lead sweetened wine he drank. Frank’s research went deep and the talk ran on as questions were raised and answered and side-subjects were explored.