Water Works

Movie star Matt Damon impressed as he joined his colleagues from Water.org and Water Equity on a panel with New York Times writer Charles Blow at a Ford Foundation event for Climate Week, which along with the UN General Assembly, is right now filling hotel rooms and restaurants and traffic-causing cars all through the City. I didn’t know that this very busy creative and family man also devotes a great deal of his time and effort to these two organizations devoted to bringing affordable water access to under-served communities across the world. Water is obviously crucial to life, and he pointed out so much time is spent acquiring it where it is not so available, time that could be used to better pursuits, like education, lucrative work, and just living a life we here in the West take for granted. He presented beautifully, and interestingly, very humbly, some of his experiences and called for people to donate to this important cause. The Ford Foundation building is quite grand, near Grand Central, with a stories high atrium abundant with plants and full trees, and the place for a little after talk reception where I tasted a very nice French Gamay, rare to find, and quite a lovely accompaniment to the engaged conversation which was enjoyed alongside the passed snacks.