Corona Cacophony

They say the virus causes a chest pain

And I feel a tight clutch in my heart space

Maybe it’s allergies or in my brain

Because it’s gone when I see your face.

I can’t stand next to you as I’d prefer

First it was three feet, then six, now away

Unfortunately, I’m an extrovert

So I’m sad to social distance these days.

We’re all stressing out over the same things

Our old parents’ health, our kids’ schools and sports.

Lost jobs, missed trips, the market plunge, all stings

Paused lives, homes hoarded, our retreats to forts.

Yet even in these first days of our hell

On web pages, phones and video calls

So many of us have wanted to tell

That we figured how to cross miles and walls.

We are challenged, angry and vulnerable

As ever we need our community

Our mind and spirit our incredible

So this need led us to find new ways to be.

My chest feels weighted when my mind is dark

Human connection brings back the spark

I’ll find your face on the phone or on line

We’ll get through this crap with our love. And our wine.