May 2, 2021 – Yay May ‘Groove

We hit May, and this felt mildly momentous. For the picture for this “Groove I used a colorful Maypole around which people were meant to dance, an ancient symbol with pagan roots to encourage fertility and of course mating. We are emerging from the Pandemic and people were predicting a Roaring 20s and sexual free for all, but which doesn’t seem to be happening. We talked a bit about dating, how actually people are now predicting that serious relationships might be more in the mode now. We talked about NY real estate, and how the rents have changed, how some people have had some luck renegotiating theirs and how many people have moved to Florida. We talked about Zoom dating, about virtual background and what’s best, and how Broadway is opening and that this will be significant especially for NY. We discussed how movie theaters are open and having audiences and whether we really want to go back to watching them. Somehow this led to discussing ancient television series now reappearing on the streaming channels, including Hogan’s Heroes and also the movie the Producers and how these would likely not get made now because of how blithely they handled WWII atrocities. Somehow we started sharing 9/11 memories and who of us witnessed the falling towers and what we remembered of the day, including an office mate who was somehow miraculously saved, how people ran from it with wet cloths to their mouths, and how we’re soon hitting the 20th anniversary of the event. Someone mentioned the 1993 bombing, and we recalled other tragedies. That led back to COVID and how Australia is having a hard time with it, as well as with weird plague-like problems with mice and snakes. We ended with more cheery conversations about eating Italian food on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, a perfect ending to a day spent in the now open Bronx Zoo or Botanical Gardens.